Thursday, March 14, 2013

Finnish History Talk by Joseph Kellner moved from 3/14 to 3/19 at UC Berkeley

The talk on Finnish history by Joseph Kellner will NOT be given on Thursday, March 14,

NEW DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1 PM - in 206 WHEELER, on the UC Berkeley Campus.

 - per Professor Sirpa Tuomainen

JOSEPH KELLNER is a graduate student in Soviet and Finnish history at the University of California, Berkeley, and studied Russian language and culture in undergrad. According to him, “the whole thing is just a scheme to visit cool places; don’t tell the history department.” On entries on his blog, Joseph looks in depth at the Finnish language, the city of Turku and its surroundings, the sauna, Finland’s rambunctious youth, any other destination he reaches, and anything else the world needs to know.

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